ACCOUNTABILITY - Outstanding Service Delivery Throughout The Pandemic

For the past year and a half, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit businesses across not just the country, but across the entire globe and SMS Environmental has been no exception to this.
Pressure on service delivery has been at an all time high in recent months and with an increased number of bookings coming in at a far quicker rate than what the company is used to. This has meant that members of staff, particularly those in the Operations team have been under pressure to exceed expectations and deliver on promises, regardless of the fact that workloads have increased dramatically and that they have been asked to cover areas that they are perhaps less familiar with.
Operations Coordinator, Laura Baker recently took full control of delivering services and coordinating work for 12 engineers that she is usually not responsible for. From the very start she ensured that we honoured the commitments that we made to our customers. As a business we understand that our customers are counting on our services and solutions to be right and on time and Laura took ACCOUNTABILITY and ownership of the tasks to ensure that this work was organised, communicated to engineers and carried out to the highest standard, even though it was not necessarily her responsibility to do so.
Laura has shown that despite the pressure and uncertainty that COVID-19 has brought, we don’t settle for excuses and that we always strive to honour the commitments we have made. It’s staff like Laura that enable SMS to continue to give customers confidence in the services we provide, and that we always deliver on our promises.
We’re extremely grateful for the way that our entire Operations team has adapted to working during the pandemic, from working extra hours to taking on new responsibilities, everyone has shown a huge amount of ACCOUNTABILITY for their work and as a company, SMS couldn’t be prouder of our employees.
Our CLEAR Values Include: