SMS Environmental help the Estates Department of the States of Guernsey achieve their LCA accreditation.

Our original contract with the States of Guernsey (SoG) Education Services Estates Team was to provide a legionella management audit as well as a legionella risk assessments across the Schools on the Island and a retained consultancy advice service. However we encouraged and supported self delivery of water management throughout the States of Guernsey School portfolio and also suggested membership to the Legionella Control Association as a demonstration of their own ability to provide the necessary process and tools required to delivery these service standards.
The States of Guernsey Education Services Estates Team have now achieved their LCA accreditation and the LCA assessors who audited their Statement of Compliance and associated documentation were very complimentary about their approach to training of both the responsible persons and staff completing the routine tasks.
Achieving the LCA accreditation has undoubtedly improved the knowledge on the whole subject of Legionella as well as reassurance that they are doing the right thing and confidence that the water systems are safe and compliant. Furthermore it has demonstrated a commitment to high standards of service and this really has raised the bar for better standards all over the Island.
SMS Environmental have provided a highly competent, professional and pragmatic service in delivering a legionella compliance audit, legionella property risk assessments, process development and other site-specific consultancy advice, all with a view of improving our legionella management controls and reducing risk.
States of Guernsey Education Services Estates Manager