#ANewHORIZON for Legionella and Water Hygiene Services across Scotland
Following the success of an inaugural Scottish training event at Glasgow Science Centre, Thursday 13th Dec 2018, SMS Environmental commissioned this animation to mark the event and more importantly illustrate our commitment to a permanent office in Strathclyde for the delivery of our quality of service across the length and breadth of Scotland.
The event was support by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service, speakers: John Newbold - Principal Specialist Inspector HSE (Legionella) Retrd, Dennis Kelly - Independent Legionella Trainer and Consultant and Dr. Mike Weinbren - Director of Infection Prevention & Control, Sherwood Forest NHS Foundation Trust along with the SMS Team who organised the day.
Some 70 delegates attended from across Scotland and helped to make the training event as successful as we could have hoped for. Thanks to all who attended on the day.